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diff --git a/alps/build/make/envsetup.sh b/alps/build/make/envsetup.shindex 9e381a23e3..16e529af12 100755--- a/alps/build/make/envsetup.sh+++ b/alps/build/make/envsetup.sh@@ -577,6 +577,11 @@ function print_lunch_menu() local choice for choice in $(TARGET_BUILD_APPS= get_build_var COMMON_LUNCH_CHOICES) do+#added for filter out starting with _vnd start+ if [[ $choice == vnd_* ]]; then+ continue+ fi+#added for filter out starting with _vnd end echo " $i. $choice" i=$(($i+1)) done@@ -631,6 +636,14 @@ function lunch() fi fi +#added for filter out starting with _vnd start+ if [[ $product == vnd_* ]]; then+ echo+ echo "Invalid lunch combo: KTE filter out $selection"+ return 1+ fi+#added for filter out starting with _vnd end+ if [ -z "$product" ] then echo